Photo narcissistic or often called selfie is one kind take pictures where we take photos using a digital camera, webcam or mobile phone camera in the image to ourselves own. some people found selfie is a sign of people who lack confidence but want narcissistic.
selfie have positive and negative effects but selfie still hot and still a lot
to upload photos of their selfies to social media, especially young children.
Selfie can create confidence increased and made entertained. Selfie also to devote
moment our moment in time to be somewhere around us that we think are
interesting and the clothes we wear
Talk about
selfie here are photos of my selfie although not exsis like everyone else and
not stylized like children present age but could be to capture the moment
moment of the places I visited and could to be uploaded on social media.foto my
selfie is in the Kapuas river pontianak , By the time I went self-test 1 at the
university Tanjungpura pontianak.
interested me want to take photos selfie at this place because a lot of things.
Never to this place and never along the Kapuas river using a boat before that
made me want selfie photo here. I perpetuate my selfie photograph in which
appears the background behind my palace Kadriah pontianak of the boat that I
use. And looked me alone with my new friend where we together take a test at
the tanjungpura university pontianak
A few of my
selfie story that I can tell.
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